Get Started

Starter Recipes


Unhead is built to get you running as quickly as possible. This guide provides a collection of snippets to implement common use cases for tags in your <head>.

If you'd like to learn more about how specific tags work, check out Zhead: Head Tag Database for a comprehensive list of tags and their usage.


Unhead itself provides defaults for, these can be overriden by you if you need to.

  • <meta charset="utf-8"> - Ensures special characters are displayed correctly.
  • <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> - Ensures your app is responsive and works on all devices.

SEO Starter

While SEO is a complex topic, this starter is just for essential tags to get you started. You may consider combining this with the Social Share and Blog Posts sections for a more complete solution.

The lang attribute and the semantic tags <title> and <meta name="description"> are used to inform search engines about the focus of your page.

While <link rel="canonical"> and <meta name="robots"> are used to inform search engines about how to index your page.

A misconfigured canonical URL will result in indexing issues. If you're new to SEO, please read the Controlling Web Crawlers guide.
import { useHead, useSeoMeta } from '@unhead/react'

  htmlAttrs: { lang: 'en-US' }, // BCP 47 language code
  link: [{
    rel: 'canonical',
    content: ''

  title: 'About Us',
  titleTemplate: '%s -  Site',
  description: 'Learn about our awesome site.',

Optional SEO Tags

There are several SEO tags that are generally used but their importance is debated. These tags are not required for SEO, but they can be useful in certain situations.

Please check the other sections for other open graph tags.

import { useSeoMeta } from '@unhead/react'

  ogType: 'website',
  ogUrl: '', // should match canonical URL
  ogLocale: 'en_US',
  ogSiteName: 'My Site',

Quick tips

  • Providing <meta name="keywords"> is no longer recommended by Google.
  • Try and avoid duplicate titles and descriptions across your site. If a page is serving the same content, use <link rel="canonical"> to inform search engines about the preferred URL.

Social Share

Social share tags are used to control how your page is displayed when shared on social media platforms. All social share tags are either prefixed as Open Graph or Twitter meta tags.

These tags are commonly duplicated from the existing semantic tags, however, fine-tuning them for each platform can improve the click-through rate of your links.

import { useSeoMeta } from '@unhead/react'

  // title & descriptions
  ogTitle: 'My Awesome Product',
  ogDescription: 'Learn how to bake delicious, moist cupcakes with our easy-to-follow guide. Featuring tips and tricks for beginners.',
  twitterTitle: 'My Awesome Product',
  twitterDescription: 'Learn how to bake delicious, moist cupcakes with our easy-to-follow guide. Featuring tips and tricks for beginners.',
  // no longer explicitly used by X but may be useful for SEO
  twitterSite: '@example',
  twitterCreator: '@example',
  // og image
  ogImage: {
    url: '',
    width: 1200,
    height: 600,
    alt: 'My Awesome Product',
    type: 'image/png'
  twitterImage: {
    url: '',
    width: 1200,
    height: 600,
    alt: 'My Awesome Product',
    type: 'image/png'
  // twitter image (note: ogImage is used as a fallback so this is optional)
  twitterCard: 'summary_large_image', // or summary
  // used by Slack
  twitterLabel1: 'Price',
  twitterData1: '$50',
  twitterLabel2: 'Read Time',
  twitterData2: '10 min',

Quick tips

  • Most sites only need the <meta name="twitter:card"> Twitter tag as the Open Graph tags are used as a fallback.
  • Try and make titles and descriptions relevant in the context of people sharing your page.

Blog Posts

Blog posts are a common use case for more advanced SEO tags. These tags can provide more semantic meaning to your page and help search engines understand the content of your page better.

Make sure to combine these tags with the SEO Starter and Social Share sections for a more complete solution.

import { useSeoMeta } from '@unhead/react'

  ogType: 'article',
  articlePublishedTime: '2023-04-01T12:00:00Z',
  articleModifiedTime: '2023-05-10T14:45:00Z',
  articleAuthor: 'John Doe',
  articleSection: 'Technology', // category
  articleTag: ['JavaScript'],
  twitterLabel1: 'Author',
  twitterData1: 'John Doe',
  twitterLabel2: 'Read Time',
  twitterData2: '10 min',

// link to previous and next posts
  link: [
    { rel: 'prev', href: '' },
    { rel: 'next', href: '' }

Quick tips

  • Combine it with BlogPosting to provide more semantic meaning to your page.

Icons & Colors

There are several tags you can use to control how your site is displayed in the browser. These tags are not required for SEO, but they can be useful in certain situations.

import { useHead } from '@unhead/react'

  link: [
    { rel: 'icon', href: '/favicon.ico', sizes: 'any' },
    { rel: 'icon', href: '/favicon.svg', sizes: 'any', type: 'image/svg+xml' },
    { rel: 'apple-touch-icon', sizes: '180x180', href: '/apple-touch-icon.png' },
  meta: [
    // used on some mobile browsers
    { name: 'theme-color', content: '#0000FF' },
    // choose light or dark (or both, see Light + Dark Mode)
    { name: 'color-scheme', content: 'light dark' },

Quick tips

  • Using a favion.ico packed with multiple sizes is best practice. You can use RealFaviconGenerator to generate a favicon.ico file with multiple sizes.
  • Using an SVG icon is useful, but it may cause issues with some browsers.


Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are a set of best practices for building web apps that work offline and provide a native app-like experience.

import { useHead } from '@unhead/react'

  link: [
    { rel: 'manifest', href: '/manifest.json' },
    { rel: 'apple-touch-icon', href: '/apple-touch-icon.png' }
  meta: [
    { name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=5, viewport-fit=cover' },
    { name: 'theme-color', content: '#0000FF' },
    { name: 'apple-mobile-web-app-capable', content: 'yes' },
    { name: 'apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style', content: 'default' }
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