
Build Optimization Plugins


Unhead provides official build plugins for Vite and Webpack that help optimize your application bundle size through automatic transformations and optimizations.

While these plugins are optional, they're highly recommended for production applications to ensure optimal performance and bundle size.

Key Optimizations

The build plugins perform several important optimizations:

  • Remove server-only composables from client builds (useServerHead, useServerSeoMeta)
  • Transform useSeoMeta calls into raw useHead() calls (~3kb savings)
  • Apply tree-shaking optimizations specific to Unhead


First, install the addons package that contains the build plugins:

pnpm add -D @unhead/addons



Add the Unhead Vite plugin to your vite.config.ts file:

import UnheadVite from '@unhead/addons/vite'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [


Add the Unhead Webpack plugin to your webpack configuration:

import { UnheadWebpack } from '@unhead/addons/webpack'

export default {
  plugins: [

Plugin Options

The build plugins accept configuration options to customize their behavior:

  // Options here

Available Options

transformSeoMetabooleantrueTransform useSeoMeta calls to useHead()
removeServerComposablesbooleantrueRemove server-only composables in client build

Verifying Optimizations

To verify that the plugin is working correctly, you can:

  1. Check your production bundle size before and after adding the plugin
  2. Inspect the transformed code in your build output
  3. Monitor client-side performance metrics

Common Use Cases

Framework Integration

When using Unhead with a framework, make sure to add the plugin to your build configuration:

// No configuration needed - Nuxt configures the plugin automatically

Custom Transformations

You can customize the plugin's behavior based on your needs:

  // Disable useSeoMeta transformation if you prefer to keep it
  transformSeoMeta: false,

Best Practices

For optimal results when using the build plugins:
  • Add the plugin early in your development process
  • Keep the default options for most use cases
  • Add the plugin fairly late in your plugin chain to ensure it can transform all Unhead code
  • Verify bundle size improvements after adding the plugin


Common issues and solutions:
  • If optimizations aren't applied, check that the plugin is correctly configured
  • If you see unexpected behavior, try disabling specific optimizations
  • For framework-specific issues, check the framework documentation for Unhead integration
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