

How to use the useSchemaOrg composable.

The useSchemaOrg composable is the primary way to manage the head of the document at runtime.

useSchemaOrg(input, options)


Add a page title and a meta description.

  title: 'My Page',
  meta: [
      name: 'description',
      content: 'My page description',


interface Head<E extends MergeHead = SchemaAugmentations> {
  title?: string | Promise<string>
  titleTemplate?: string | null | ((title?: string) => string | null)
  templateParams?: { separator?: string } & Record<string, string | Record<string, string>>
  base?: Base<E['base']>
  link?: Link<E['link']>[]
  meta?: Meta<E['meta']>[]
  style?: (Style<E['style']> | string)[]
  script?: (Script<E['script']> | string)[]
  noscript?: (Noscript<E['noscript']> | string)[]
  htmlAttrs?: HtmlAttributes<E['htmlAttrs']>
  bodyAttrs?: BodyAttributes<E['bodyAttrs']>


The second argument to useSchemaOrg is the HeadEntryOptions. This allow you apply options to the entry, meaning all tags that exist within the input.

export interface HeadEntryOptions {
  processTemplateParams?: boolean
  tagPriority?: number | 'critical' | 'high' | 'low' | `before:${string}` | `after:${string}`
  tagPosition?: 'head' | 'bodyClose' | 'bodyOpen'
  mode?: RuntimeMode
  transform?: (input: unknown) => unknown
  head?: Unhead


This lets you specify which mode the head should be applied in.

By default, entries are rendered in both server and client. If you'd like to only use a specific mode you can set the mode option to either server or client.

If you intend to server render tags you should instead opt for the useServerHead composable.

Entry API

The useSchemaOrg composable returns an API to manage the lifecycle of the head entry. Using this you can either patch or dispose of the entry.

const myPageHead = useSchemaOrg({
  title: 'My Page',
  meta: [
      name: 'description',
      content: 'My page description',

// removes it

XSS safety

The useSchemaOrg function only applies minimal sanitization on input to improve the developer experience.

Be careful, do not use this function with any unknown / third party input, that isn't sanitised. It is not possible to guarantee that the output is safe when dealing with unknown input.

If you need XSS safety, sanitise your input or look at using the [useSeoMet If you're having issues working around the default nodes, you should disable them.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  schemaOrg: {
    defaults: false
```a](/usage/composables/use-seo-meta) or [useSchemaOrgSafe](/usage/composables/use-head-safe) composables instead.